Covid-19 Survival Guide | Sparkle In Pink

Jessie Cozzens| 15 Mar, 2020

Our Sparklers!

We hope you are all doing well during this trying time for our country. It has really been quite unbelievable hasn't it? All of us here at SIP have been trying to make sense of this and really thinking about what we can do to help. We weren't planning to do a blog post until Easter but decided a blog post would be good to help some of you prepare or deal with what is happening, and help keep the kiddos entertained during the break as well. Our schools here in Utah have been closed for at least two weeks.

I just wanted to show you a few things I have come up with to help make the next couple weeks a little easier and fun. It's all about routine in our house so if I can have a plan, we will all be much happier!! ☺️

Kid's Craft During Quarantine

My kids are all about crafts as I'm sure yours are too. I made it a goal to keep this unexpected time as inexpensive as possible.

I went to the Dollar Store and made my girls this craft tote.

All new art supplies; canvas, construction paper, pipe cleaners, stickers, paint, etc. And I also got a few learning books they have for my kid's ages. This whole tote cost under $15 total and will make for lots of creativity! Even though we already have most of these items, something about it being new really excites my kids and having their own little tote makes for no fighting over who gets what color! 

I also saw this cute "bowling" idea with just using cups and a ball. Which I'm sure most of you already have. You can play with neighbors, play it outside, etc. Great idea for toddlers!

Germ Soap Experiment

I'm sure a lot of you have seen the videos of the germ experiment using water, pepper, and soap. I wanted to show my girls why we are so adamant about hand washing several times a day and always when coming inside the house. Especially now!

All you need to do is fill a bowl with a little water, and put pepper in it. Then have your child put their unwashed finger in the pepper water. Let them see all the "germs" (pepper) on their finger. Then dip their finger in the soap and do it again in the water. They will see all the pepper float away from their finger. The soap reflects the germs and this is a great visual activity so they can really understand what hand washing does. My girls thought this was so cool!

Our COVID-19 Daily Schedule For Kids

To wrap some ideas up, here is a daily schedule example that we will be using in our home. The reality that it will actually go as planned is slim, but one can hope! Haha. And also, a list of free online learning websites. My girls love to do learning apps or sites, so we will definitely be looking into all of these and letting them stay in the school mode as much as we can.

Finally, we really wanted to express to all of you that our thoughts and prayers go to everyone. This can be scary for kids and even us as parents. But if we can all focus on the positive and see the good in this situation, things will improve much quicker. We have strangers helping strangers, buying necessities for elderly, or those less fortunate. That is what we all need to do. 

That being said, we wanted to offer a different kind of giveaway for this blog. We want to help some of those in need. Whether it's yourself, or a family member or friend, we want to give back a couple of gift cards to stores for some family necessities. We will be giving away gift cards for Visa and Venmo! We know our giveaways are normally for our store, but there are families who need this more and that's what we're going to do!

TO ENTER: Comment on this blog post if you or someone you know could use a little help. No need to specify a name, we will reach out to you if you are a chosen winner and get the details. But let us know what some struggles are and some necessities or items you or a friend are having a hard time finding during this time. We wish we could help all those who enter, but we will do as much as we can for those who really could use some help. Let's all work to make the world a better place! Winners will be carefully chosen and notified in a few days.

Thank you! 💗


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  • Jessie Cozzens


    great ideas

  • Jessie Cozzens


    These are great ideas I’m going to use with my grandkids. Love the germ experiment!!!

  • Jessie Cozzens


    Great Ideas!

  • Jessie Cozzens

    Angela Ashmore

    Great way to show how many germs we carry. I ask a huge fan of SIP and I always ordered for my granddaughter. My daughter was murdered a few months ago so now I try to get all get cute outfits from there. I wish I could do more but ok disabled and my funds are limited. I do love seeing her in your beautiful outfits. B she looks amazing and was named fashion quest at school. lol. She will start needing 12-14 soon so I hope talk get bigger sizes. Thank you!

  • Jessie Cozzens

    Jaime Z

    Great ideas!!

  • Jessie Cozzens

    Alisha Cumbee

    Loved these ideas!

  • Jessie Cozzens

    Marley Slade

    Great ideas!

  • Jessie Cozzens


    Thanks for the ideas.

  • Jessie Cozzens

    Cassidy Hale

    Awesome thank you!!

  • Jessie Cozzens

    Callie Lee Nels

    This is awesome. :)

  • Jessie Cozzens

    Tammy B.

    What a great thing to help others in need!

  • Jessie Cozzens

    Melody H

    Love this

  • Jessie Cozzens


    Daily schedule helps!

  • Jessie Cozzens

    Breann McCowan

    Thank you for great tips!

  • Jessie Cozzens

    Lisa Duty

    Thanks for the learning websites. We really needed those!

  • Jessie Cozzens

    Jamie Hyde

    This is a great idea, I’ve ran out of ideas to keep the kiddos entertained, it’s definitely been a long few months and many more to come, definitely Got to stay positive, going to be trying this with the kiddos. We definitely need different ideas there getting board thank you! I actually know someone who who use some help, he is super high risk has delt with major health problems for a while. and his wife goes out by herself to find items like masks, cleaners, are a struggle they finally got sanitizer, his wife has attempted to make masks but it’s not working out well for her. I see him once in a while 6 feet apart and I’ve never seen such fear in someone’s eyes from a virus like when I look at him so sad breaks my heart

  • Jessie Cozzens


    love reading these

  • Jessie Cozzens

    Karen Morales

    Love this!

  • Jessie Cozzens

    Chelsey Copeland

    We used the cups and ball bowling idea at my nieces birthday party! The kids had so much fun

  • Jessie Cozzens

    Katrina Trapp

    Was a great read. Especially the germ soap experiment.

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